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Monday on the Street: Marijuana Decriminalization

What are your thoughts on the concept of marijuana decriminalization?

Megan Rodriguez, senior, biology

“I guess I can agree with that. To me it seems kind of pointless to put somebody who gets caught with pot in jail for no reason. I don’t really see it in the sense of it harming anybody, it doesn’t really harm them or (anyone) around them. I wouldn’t go as far as saying people need to be ticketed on it, it could definitely be more of a control thing, like you’ve got areas to go smoke pot if you want to or things like that.”

Jacob Covell, junior, exercise science

“I’m an exercise science major, so from more of a medical standpoint, I understand that it can be useful in certain situations. I personally don’t think recreational drugs are a good way to spend your time, I think it’s too harmful on the rest of your system. So I’m not for it, but, like I said, I know that there’s certain circumstances where it can be useful.”

Jameson Anderson, senior, family studies

“In my family marijuana has had a very bad impact. My uncle, he sold it … and it just totally took over his life. He stole my grandma’s wedding ring, so I’ve seen that side of it. I’ve also seen the other side; I have friends who are like, ‘It can be used for fun and just good things,’ but I feel that it’s dangerous to have something that can become something that you live for. I’ve seen the really bad sides of it, but I’ve also seen the good sides and I just think we have to be careful about what we’re putting in our bodies and what we’re relying on.”

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Annie Mitchem, freshman, nursing

“It’s definitely (good to have it) in moderation. There’s a lot of bad stigma with it, because when you think of someone who’s smoking pot, it’s someone who’s usually not doing anything; they’re not in school, they just smoke pot, they don’t work, they don’t do anything. So that right there causes them to do bad things to acquire money to feed their addiction, but if you’re doing it in moderation, if you can balance having a life and smoking weed, I don’t see what the problem is.”


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