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The Setonian

Say no to medical privacy rule

Under a proposed new federal medical "privacy" rule, government control over our medical records could be a lot closer than we think, and we only have until March 30 to offer our comments to the government.

The Setonian

Bad editing in Groobees’ review irritating to read

As a former copy editor, I was appalled to see Iliana Lim¢n’s otherwise fantastic review of the Groobees on March 6 short-changed by poor editing. It was clear that a spell-check and not a human was used to edit that article.

The Setonian

Toulouse unaware of senators’ difficult job

I am writing in response to Jeremy Toulouse’s letter on Tuesday, “Lobo funding cut highlights the Senate’s inexperience.” Mr. Toulouse, after reading your response, it is clear to me that you either misunderstood Sen. Nichols’ letter or are fully unaware of the work the ASUNM senators do for the UNM campus.

The Setonian

Friedman has no evidence that extra-terrestrials exist

Please stop reporting on what Stanton T. Friedman says about UFOs and “aliens.” He is not a nuclear physicist and has never provided proof of ever being one, nor can you find any real physicists who know of him working in that field.

The Setonian

Media tycoon's comments insensitive, but who cares?

Editor, I just read Jeremy Reynalds' Friday column, with major confusion, about Ted Turner's supposedly inflammatory remarks. I find it completely astonishing that one man's statements could result in not only an entire article in a student newspaper, but mass media coverage, also.

The Setonian

Reparations ad interesting

By now, almost everyone on college campuses throughout the nation has heard about David Horowitz's views on why reparations should not be made to African-Americans for slavery.

The Setonian

Ad is stirring up controversy

David Horowitz has been traveling across the United States, electronically that is, buying advertisements in college newspapers just like the Daily Lobo, but not actually in the newspaper. Horowitz's ad is designed to look like an article, titled, "Ten reasons why reparations for Slavery is a bad idea - and racist too."

The Setonian

Construction noise disrupts learning process on campus

Editor, In recent weeks a great deal of construction work has occurred on campus. The noise, especially in close proximity to a classroom building, is not only distracting but causes problems for those who are trying to concentrate on a lecture.

The Setonian

Lobo funds belong to groups

Editor, The Associated Students of UNM Senate passed amendment 5B not because it wanted to punish the Daily Lobo, but because we want to put $38,000 of unused student fees back into the hands of student groups and organizations.

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